The original story is evolving around illness narratives, physical and mental.
In my interpretation I tried to go as further as possible from the original theme, and try to make it more folkloric, like a tale that being told in the village to children that don't behave well. At first, I wanted to emphasis the nature and perhaps the giantess size. Eventually I decided to focus on her face and emotions, as I believe it's more interesting and is the heart of the story.
In my interpretation I tried to go as further as possible from the original theme, and try to make it more folkloric, like a tale that being told in the village to children that don't behave well. At first, I wanted to emphasis the nature and perhaps the giantess size. Eventually I decided to focus on her face and emotions, as I believe it's more interesting and is the heart of the story.

First sketches to the spreads, some dramatically changed

There was once a giant that wanted to eat a little kid. She was wandering the land in search, checking every living being,
every animal she found
every animal she found

People were so afraid of the giantess! They started to hide their children and lock their houses

The first version of the giantess, but she turned out to be very "cute" rather than a little more scary

These were too thin!

This one is too smart!

She was offered chickens, pigs and sheep but she refused it all! She became skinny and sad

After all her search she became tired and was too hungry to proceed, so she went back home

So, she ate him!